Understanding Regional Transfer Pricing - Day 2
Why you should attend
Dignissimos ad harum autem aut comm odi omnis sed sunt maiores.
Dignissimos ad harum autem aut comm odi omnis sed sunt maiores.
Dignissimos ad harum autem aut comm odi omnis sed sunt maiores.
Transfer Pricing (TP) is an area of tax that regulates the price between related parties. Pricing of the transactions would have a direct impact on the profit attributable to the relevant parties. Non-arm’s length transactions may result in unreasonable distribution of profit and impact tax collection in different jurisdictions.
This workshop aims to provide participants with foundational knowledge on the key principles and concepts of transfer pricing, and an understanding of the key elements and steps of a typical transfer pricing analysis. The trainer will discuss the key aspects of transfer pricing through the use of case studies and real examples to illustrate its importance to multinational groups and tax administrations.
The Transfer Pricing course consists of 2 modules, namely:
- Transfer Pricing (Part 1) - Key Principles, Analysis and Methods
Transfer Pricing (Part 2): TP considerations on specific transactions
Event Detail
Fundamentals of Transfer Pricing (Part 1) – 9am to 12:30pm
- What is transfer pricing?
- An introduction of the arm’s length principle
- What is comparability analysis?
- An introduction of transfer pricing methods
- The TP legal framework in:
- Singapore
- Malaysia
- Indonesia
- The Philippines
- Thailand
Advanced Topic of TP (Part 2) – 1:30pm to 5:00pm
- How to analyse a transaction – steps to be undertaken
- How to analyse the different types of transactions (with case studies):
- Service transactions
- services vs stakeholders functions;
- how to determine the costs?
- Is mark-up on total costs the only way to remunerate services?
- Hard to value intangibles
- Legal ownership vs economic ownership;
- What are DEPME functions?
- How to determine the value?
- Financial Transactions
- Different natures of financial arrangements
- Application of arm’s length principle
- Determination of the arm’s length price
- Service transactions
Upon completion of this module, learners will be able to:
- Understand what is transfer pricing and why is it important.
- Get insights on the implication of transfer pricing for taxpayers and tax authorities.
- Learn about Singapore’s approach to transfer pricing.
- Understand the arm’s length principle, the concept of comparability and the transfer pricing methods.
Why Should Attend
It is a course designed for whom are interested in taking up an international role in Trading and Pricing. It is also fit for finance professionals who would like to get up-to-date about International Tax.